More Hoselitz

6 April 2011 at 8:52 pm Leave a comment

| Peter Klein |

Since we first inquired about Bert Hoselitz, new information has come to light. First, we hosted a copy of Hoselitz’s hard-to-find 1951 essay “The Early History of Entrepreneurial Theory,” still the best source on the origins of economic thinking on the entrepreneur. Randy has also located Hoselitz’s rare 1963 paper “The Entrepreneurial Element of Economic Development,” which we hope to share soon.

Also, Yvan Kelly published an interesting paper in 2009, “Mises, Morgenstern, Hoselitz, and Nash: The Austrian Connection to Early Game Theory” (Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 12, no. 3), which provides more information. Hoselitz attended Mises’s Vienna seminar in 1933 and 1934 and, after Hoselitz emigrated to the US, Mises helped him get a position at Chicago. In 1947 Hoselitz taught a class on international economics at Carnegie Tech, where one of his students was John Nash — the only economics course Nash ever took. Notes Kelly, “there exists the distinct possibility that Nash’s thought process in formulating the [Nash] equilibrium was influenced by Austrian thought.” Kelly goes on to quote Nash’s Nobel lecture: “By coincidence the person who taught the course was someonethat came from Austria. . . . Austrian economics is like a different school than typical American or British. So by coincidence I was influenced by an Austrian economist which may have been a very good influence.” (This article by a famous blogger also deals with the Austrian connection to game theory.)

Entry filed under: - Klein -, Austrian Economics, History of Economic and Management Thought, People.

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Richard N. Langlois, The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler, and the New Economy (Routledge, 2007).
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